SJP Alert

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Which Simon and Garfunkel album am I Blog Home Kinda Sad Actually.....

I think I saw Sarah Jessica Parker on the street yesterday.

I was walking down 23rd St in NYC, from 6th Ave (heading towards 5th Ave). A woman was walking the other way. I didn’t think anything of it, as people pass all the time, but just as she passed me, she took off her sunglasses to read a sign in a store window. In the split second before she went out of my line of sight, the flash of recognition hit me. I glanced back, but not wanting to look like a stalker, I kept walking in my direction, so for the second look, she was further away and turned away from me, so I still really can’t say for sure if it was her.

Now, if the Map to the Movie Stars’ Homes I bought about a decade ago is to be believed, she & her family live about 15 blocks south of that spot, and according to IMDB, she’s in a film which is currently shooting in Madison NJ. That’s less than an hour outside the City, so she would probably be stay at her home and commuting out there when she’s needed. So, while I can’t be sure it was her, I also haven’t found anything to prove it couldn’t have been…..
