The Oregon Trail Project - Part 4 - Trail Events

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The Oregon Trail Project - Part 3 - Data Blog Home All Purpose Object Updater

Oregon Trail Project

Virtual Coffee’s Blogging Challenge is on it’s last day! And we’re still quite a ways short of the 100K words goals, so we’re gonna work this down to the last minute….

Ya’know, I think it about time that we actually get to some real code for this project. An important element of gameplay are the occurrences that happen to you along th trail, which the source code refers to as “events”, but which I’ll call “trail events”, to avoid confusion with delegates and the event keyword.

There are sixteen different things that could happen to you each turn, such as “WAGON BREAKS DOWN–LOSE TIME AND SUPPLIES FIXING IT” and “OX INJURES LEG—SLOWS YOU DOWN REST OF TRIP”. The selection of which trail event happens on any given turn is handled by this bit of code:

3550  LET D1=0
3570  R1=100*RND(0)
3580  LET D1=D1+1
3590  IF D1=16 THEN 4670
3600  READ D
3610  IF R1>D THEN 3580
3620  DATA 6,11,13,15,17,22,32,35,37,42,44,54,64,69,95
3630  IF D1>10 THEN 3650
3640  GOTO D1 OF 3660,3700,3740,3790,3820,3850,3880,3960,4130,4190
3650  GOTO D1-10 OF 4220,4290,4340,4560,4610,4670

If you’re not familiar with Basic code, let me explain. RND(0) return a random floating point value between 0 and 1, so R1 is between 0 and 100. The DATA value on line 3620 correspond to the percentage chance for each trail event being selected. Each time the READ is executed, the next DATA value is assigned to the variable D. RESTORE reset the DATA so the next READ would start again with 6.

So, first pass thru, D1 is 1, D is 6, and R1 is a random number [0..100). If that random number is less than or equal to 6, the GOTO .. OF lines will direct execution to the first trail event. If it is greater than 6, it tries again with D1 as 2, D as 11.

It tries this up to 16 times, with the value of D increasing each time until one hits. On the 16th iteration, if the random number less than 100, is also less than 95, we go to trail event at line 4610 (line 3650). On the next time thru the loop, we go directly to line 4670 (“HELPFUL INDIANS SHOW YOU WHERE TO FIND MORE FOOD”).

So, the percentage chance of any particular trail event happening is the difference between it’s corresponding value in the DATA line, and the value below it. Which means we can just use the difference, and the order doesn’t matter. This makes the next step possible.

I want to isolate each of those trail events into individual classes (and then organize them using .NET’s Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)). This is major over-engineering, but that pretty much describes this entire project, so we’re not going to let that stop is.

A typical trail event looks like this:

4570  M=M-5-RND(0)*10
4580  B=B-200
4590  M1=M1-4-RND(0)*3
4600  GOTO 4710

To translate this into C# with MEF, first we define an Interface to be used by each of the trail events:

public interface ITrailEvent
    string Occasion(GameContext context);

(I couldn’t stand calling the method Invoke, which led to a trip to a thesaurus, hence Occasion. That interface may change as this project develops. I think particularly that return value will change.)

This will make the code:

public string Occasion(GameContext context)
    context.Miles += Random.Shared.Next(-5, 5);
    context.Resources.Bullets -= 200;
    context.Resources.Misc -= Random.Shared.Next(1, 4);

    return "Hail Storm---Supplies damaged";

Next, we have to mark this as part of our MEF system. This involve adding a [Export] attribute giving the interface it implements. Later we’ll ask MEF to gather up all classes that export that interface. But, also want to know what percent of time that trail event should occur – before we actually load it. For that we can use the [ExportMetadata] attribute.

[ExportMetadata("Weight", 10)]
public class HailStorm : ITrailEvent

MEF will create an object on the fly with the metadata, but we’ll need to define an interface that represents it:

public interface ITrailEventData
    int  Weight { get; }

Ok, we’ve get the piece there, now we have to work on loading and invoking them. First we’ll need a place to store them:

List<Lazy<ITrailEvent, ITrailEventData>> trailEventsImport;

And then you need to load it up. Here we just take all trail event defined in the same assembly as the GameContext class, which is where I’ll all the trail events defined in the original game. But the advantage here is that we can add another catalog.Catalogs.Add( ) line, pointing to a folder, and it will scan all the assemblies in the folder for more components, so we can extend this with many events, without ever having to recompile the game.

var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(GameContext).Assembly));
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

Next build a new list, replacing the individual weights, with a running total, so each gets it own piece of the total range.

var trailEvents = new List<(int weight, ITrailEvent)>(trailEventsImport.Count);
int totalWeight = 0;
foreach (var item in trailEventsImport)
    totalWeight += item.Metadata.Weight;
    trailEvents.Add(ValueTuple.Create(totalWeight, item.Value));

Then to randomly select one, at the same frequency at defined in the original code:

var val = Random.Shared.Next(totalWeight);
var todaysEvent = trailEvents
    .SkipWhile(te => te.weight < val)
    .Select(te => te.evtTrail)

Then we just call that

GameContext context = new GameContext();
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